Одиночка (Singleton)
Паттерн Одиночка гарантирует, что класс имеет только один экземпляр, и предоставляет глобальную точку доступа к этому экзепляру.
- Singleton - одиночка
Абстрактная реализация на C# (GoF)
/// <summary>
/// MainApp startup class for Structural
/// Singleton Design Pattern.
/// </summary>
internal class MainApp
/// <summary>
/// Entry point into console application.
/// </summary>
private static void Main()
// Constructor is protected -- cannot use new
Singleton s1 = Singleton.Instance();
Singleton s2 = Singleton.Instance();
// Test for same instance
if (s1 == s2)
Console.WriteLine("Objects are the same instance");
// Wait for user
/// <summary>
/// The 'Singleton' class
/// </summary>
internal class Singleton
private static Singleton instance;
// Constructor is 'protected'
protected Singleton()
public static Singleton Instance()
// Uses lazy initialization.
// Note: this is not thread safe.
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
Реальная реализация на C# (GoF)
/// <summary>
/// MainApp startup class for Real-World
/// Singleton Design Pattern.
/// </summary>
internal class MainApp
/// <summary>
/// Entry point into console application.
/// </summary>
private static void Main()
LoadBalancer b1 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
LoadBalancer b2 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
LoadBalancer b3 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
LoadBalancer b4 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
// Same instance?
if (b1 == b2 && b2 == b3 && b3 == b4)
Console.WriteLine("Same instance\n");
// Load balance 15 server requests
LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
string server = balancer.Server;
Console.WriteLine("Dispatch Request to: " + server);
// Wait for user
/// <summary>
/// The 'Singleton' class
/// </summary>
internal class LoadBalancer
private static LoadBalancer instance;
private List<string> servers = new List<string>();
private Random random = new Random();
// Lock synchronization object
private static object locker = new object();
// Constructor (protected)
protected LoadBalancer()
// List of available servers
public static LoadBalancer GetLoadBalancer()
// Support multithreaded applications through
// 'Double checked locking' pattern which (once
// the instance exists) avoids locking each
// time the method is invoked
if (instance == null)
lock (locker)
if (instance == null)
instance = new LoadBalancer();
return instance;
// Simple, but effective random load balancer
public string Server
int r = random.Next(servers.Count);
return servers[r].ToString();
Улучшенная реальная реализация на C# (GoF)
/// <summary>
/// MainApp startup class for .NET optimized
/// Singleton Design Pattern.
/// </summary>
internal class MainApp
/// <summary>
/// Entry point into console application.
/// </summary>
private static void Main()
var b1 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
var b2 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
var b3 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
var b4 = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
// Confirm these are the same instance
if (b1 == b2 && b2 == b3 && b3 == b4)
Console.WriteLine("Same instance\n");
// Next, load balance 15 requests for a server
var balancer = LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer();
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
string serverName = balancer.NextServer.Name;
Console.WriteLine("Dispatch request to: " + serverName);
// Wait for user
/// <summary>
/// The 'Singleton' class
/// </summary>
internal sealed class LoadBalancer
// Static members are 'eagerly initialized', that is,
// immediately when class is loaded for the first time.
// .NET guarantees thread safety for static initialization
private static readonly LoadBalancer instance = new LoadBalancer();
// Type-safe generic list of servers
private List<Server> servers;
private Random random = new Random();
// Note: constructor is 'private'
private LoadBalancer()
// Load list of available servers
servers = new List<Server>
new Server{ Name = "ServerI", IP = "" },
new Server{ Name = "ServerII", IP = "" },
new Server{ Name = "ServerIII", IP = "" },
new Server{ Name = "ServerIV", IP = "" },
new Server{ Name = "ServerV", IP = "" },
public static LoadBalancer GetLoadBalancer()
return instance;
// Simple, but effective load balancer
public Server NextServer
int r = random.Next(servers.Count);
return servers[r];
/// <summary>
/// Represents a server machine
/// </summary>
internal class Server
// Gets or sets server name
public string Name { get; set; }
// Gets or sets server IP address
public string IP { get; set; }
Реализация на C# (Head First)
internal class SingletonClient
private static void Main(string[] args)
var singleton = Singleton.getInstance();
// .NET singleton threadsafe example.
var es1 = EagerSingleton.GetInstance();
var es2 = EagerSingleton.GetInstance();
var es3 = EagerSingleton.GetInstance();
if (es1 == es2 && es2 == es3)
Console.WriteLine("Same instance");
// Wait for user
#region Singleton
public class Singleton
private static Singleton _uniqueInstance;
private static readonly object _syncLock = new Object();
// other useful instance variables here
private Singleton()
public static Singleton getInstance()
// Lock entire body of method
lock (_syncLock)
if (_uniqueInstance == null)
_uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
return _uniqueInstance;
// other useful methods here
public void SaySomething()
Console.WriteLine("I run, therefore I am");
internal sealed class EagerSingleton
// CLR eagerly initializes static member when class is first used
// CLR guarantees thread safety for static initialisation
private static readonly EagerSingleton _instance = new EagerSingleton();
// Note: constructor is private
private EagerSingleton()
public static EagerSingleton GetInstance()
return _instance;
#endregion Singleton
Реализация на JAVA
* Singleton class. Eagerly initialized static instance guarantees thread safety.
public final class EagerlyInitializedSingleton {
private static final EagerlyInitializedSingleton INSTANCE = new EagerlyInitializedSingleton();
private EagerlyInitializedSingleton() {}
public static EagerlyInitializedSingleton getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* The Initialize-on-demand-holder idiom is a secure way of creating a lazy initialized singleton
* object in Java.
* The technique is as lazy as possible and works in all known versions of Java. It takes advantage
* of language guarantees about class initialization, and will therefore work correctly in all
* Java-compliant compilers and virtual machines.
* The inner class is referenced no earlier (and therefore loaded no earlier by the class loader) than
* the moment that getInstance() is called. Thus, this solution is thread-safe without requiring special
* language constructs (i.e. volatile or synchronized).
public final class InitializingOnDemandSingleton {
private InitializingOnDemandSingleton() {}
public static InitializingOnDemandSingleton getInstance() {
return HelperHolder.INSTANCE;
private static class HelperHolder {
private static final InitializingOnDemandSingleton INSTANCE =
new InitializingOnDemandSingleton();
* Thread-safe Singleton class.
* The instance is lazily initialized and thus needs synchronization mechanism.
* Note: if created by reflection then a singleton will not be created but multiple options in the same classloader.
public final class ThreadSafeLazyLoadedSingleton {
private static ThreadSafeLazyLoadedSingleton instance;
private ThreadSafeLazyLoadedSingleton() {}
public static synchronized ThreadSafeLazyLoadedSingleton getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ThreadSafeLazyLoadedSingleton();
return instance;
* Double check locking
* http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/DoubleCheckedLocking.html
* Broken under Java 1.4.
public final class ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton {
private static volatile ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton instance;
private ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton() {
// to prevent instantiating by Reflection call
if (instance != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already initialized.");
public static ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton getInstance() {
// local variable increases performance by 25 percent
// Joshua Bloch "Effective Java, Second Edition", p. 283-284
ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton result = instance;
// Check if singleton instance is initialized. If it is initialized then we can return the instance.
if (result == null) {
// It is not initialized but we cannot be sure because some other thread might have initialized it
// in the meanwhile. So to make sure we need to lock on an object to get mutual exclusion.
synchronized (ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton.class) {
// Again assign the instance to local variable to check if it was initialized by some other thread
// while current thread was blocked to enter the locked zone. If it was initialized then we can
// return the previously created instance just like the previous null check.
result = instance;
if (result == null) {
// The instance is still not initialized so we can safely (no other thread can enter this zone)
// create an instance and make it our singleton instance.
instance = result = new ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLockingSingleton();
return result;
* Enum based singleton implementation.
* Effective Java 2nd Edition (Joshua Bloch) p. 18
public enum EnumSingleton {
public String toString() {
return getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName() + "@" + hashCode();